Basic Fixes First

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Joe Youngblood

Hey guys!! A few things I noticed from the get go:

1. Cannot change marker name, once you do, it does not actually change it, it’s stay the original name.
3. Every so often the GPS starts me off somewhere random like Africa
3. Change color of markers. It would be nice to do so instead of pre selected colors
3. Link YouTube channel and new videos that get published. It seems like you need to routinely log back into your YouTube channel to get the new videos to show up on the app.

I hope that’s a nice start!



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Ryan Lommen

Hey Joe, genuinely appreciate the feedback! I'll address each below.
1. This was something I was not able to recreate. Editing a marker name stayed updated for me. If this issues continues, please submit a request with details regarding your device and app version (huntwise.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new).
2. I have logged this issue for our development team to look further into. The app should be opening to the location you were looking at last.
3. This is something we have on our road map and plan on addressing in the near future.
4. Really sorry for this experience. We plan on updating the 'Me' or 'Profile' section as a whole in the near future. Will be sure this gets addressed in that worked.

Always appreciate and welcome the feedback!